Unleash your imagination this holiday season at the world-renowned production of The Nutcracker at Lincoln Center from now until the end of December. The New York City Ballet Company joins together with the School of American Ballet to put on a show filled with detailed stage elements, intricate lighting, extraordinary visual effects, and phenomenal performers. Additionally, the classic and familiar music by Tschaikovsky, the transformative choreography by George Balanchine, and the elaborate costume design by Barbara Karinska all make for a magical Christmas experience the whole family will undoubtedly enjoy!
The Nutcracker is Family Holiday Fun!
The Nutcracker is the perfect introduction to ballet for younger audience members. You will be transformed into a magical and glittering holiday wonderland. Almost 90 dancers, 62 musicians, 32 stagehands, and two casts of 50 young students bring this enchanting story to life. What premiered in New York City in 1954 has become one of the city’s most beloved Christmas traditions for families near and far!
When: The production is already happening and is going on from now until December 31st, every day except Mondays, with weekend matinees available.
Where: David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center 70 West 63rd St, New York, NY.
Tickets: Tickets start at $160 and go up. Grab your tickets now!
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