Some events call for something upscale and unique. And when you want to celebrate an occasion in style, some parties call for the ultimate cigar. From weddings and private events to corporate functions and galas, you can bring the ambiance aesthetics of high-quality cigars with The Mobile Cigar Lounge!
Entertain your event attendees with The Mobile Cigar Lounge’s expert tobacconist and hand-made, premium cigars. Visit their website and explore the various cigar experiences you can bring to your special event, including:
- Weddings
- Private Events
- Whisk(E)y Experiences
- Miami Experiences
About The Mobile Cigar Lounge
Based in Hopatcong, New Jersey, the team behind the ultimate cigar experience is comprised of first responders, veterans, and supporting family who all are dedicated to “the camaraderie” of enjoying a fine cigar. And this company gives back, with more than $30,000 donated to various charities supporting veterans.
For more guidance in planning your New York event, let the EMRG Media team take the reins and plan immersive and engaging experiences!