Breaks, Snacks & Lounge Chairs: 5 Tips for Keeping Your Event Guests Comfortable

June 2, 2022 Erica Maurer

Planning a New York event requires intense and rigorous planning. You’ll look to create checklists for your tasks. And no detail will be left unmanaged. One aspect of your event planning itinerary involves guest comfort and convenience. There are some aspects that will require specific attention to ensure every attendee has an incredible experience. To help ensure you don’t overlook anything, this is the list of amenities that will directly contribute to the guest comfort factor. From break areas and lounge chairs to snacks and entertainment, these are the tips you need to pull off a seamless and engaging event.

Seating That’s Comfortable for Everyone

Depending on the theme of your event, including corporate or conference style gatherings, seating matters. You might opt for folding chairs to accommodate the masses. But also look to incorporate additional seating options that cater to your guests. If you’re having breakout sessions for business guests, consider creating more intimate and comfortable seating arrangements for small groups. Chair size variations will be important, too. High table seating and low lounge seating can all offer customized seating. Don’t forget to be mindful of elbow room at the table, as well.

Comfort Features According to the Venue

If you’re planning an event outdoors during the summer months, it might make sense to make small fans or bug spray available. If it’s a beach event, offer spare flip-flops. And if your special event is on a boat, be prepared for seasick remedies for any uneasy guests. Think about your venue and what you can do to complement the experience to improve guest comfort and convenience.

Charging Stations & Wi-Fi

There won’t be a guest at your New York event that won’t also have a cell phone or other device. Whether your event is corporate or social, there will almost always be someone who needs a recharge or access to Wi-Fi. Stay one step ahead and make arrangements to offer both. Communicate with guests openly about how to access the internet and where to recharge devices. You can stage a booth or table specific for recharging and even feature wireless charging capability, for example. You might even offer portable chargers at every table.

Entertainment for All

If you’re in charge of event planning, you’ll likely be considering a host of entertainment options for the big day. You might be considering music via a DJ or live band. Maybe you’re bringing in special guest performers or keynote speakers as your prime entertainment stage of the event. But keep in mind, too, that not everyone will be into your mainstage entertainment. Consider carving out spaces away from the main stage, so those who’d prefer to mingle or converse have a place to gather. And if your event warrants more than one entertainment option, you can always look for different ways to appeal to the varied tastes of your guests.

A Menu Catered to Guest Preferences

People can be uncomfortable at an event if they can’t find something to eat. It’s mission-critical to your event planning effort to carefully consider menu options. Be prepared to offer a diverse blend of fare, so no one goes hungry. And if your event intends to last through more than one meal of the day, be prepared to offer snacks and extras throughout its duration. Later in the event, after the primary meal, guests may appreciate fresh hors d’oeuvres or finger foods. And having snacks that can sit out for the duration of the event will always be helpful.

Planning a New York event can be challenging. Among your roster of to-do lists, make sure you’re paying special attention to guest comfort and convenience amenities. Hopefully, this list of suggestions can be helpful. And if you’re still in a bind or need help, let EMRG Media help! Our team of event planning professionals can step in and take over to make sure every detail is properly accounted for and every guest has the most memorable experience.

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