The magical world of Disney comes to you every year as the Disney on Ice show travels all over the country, bringing joy and fun to the whole family. Since its start in 1981, there have been 48 different productions featuring countless beloved Disney characters. This year’s show, “Find Your Hero,” is sure to wow the crowd, and there are three opportunities to see this fantastic show in the New York City area. Grab your tickets, bring the family, and prepare for an enchanted time!
'Find Your Hero' is a Magical Adventure on Ice
Disney characters take the stage for an adventure filled with tales of heroism in the newest production of Disney on Ice. You’ll experience world-class ice skating, iconic music, and stunning costumes that will transform you into another world.
“Find Your Hero” is hosted by fan favorites Mickey and Minnie. Join them as they tell a story featuring the brave journey to Te Fiti with Moana and Maui, the magic and music of Encanto with Mirabel and her family, and join Anna and Elsa on a quest to protect their home. Plus, see some of your favorite Disney Princesses like Ariel, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and Rapunzel. They all share their stories of courage and determination in stories weaved with true heroism.
Get Your Tickets to See Disney on Ice!
Choose your date and secure your tickets!
- January 4th - 7th at UBS Arena in Long Island
- January 11th - 15th at Prudential Center in New Jersey
- January 18th - 21st at Barclays Center in Brooklyn
There’s still plenty of TICKETS available, so get yours now!
Disney productions will always put on a good show that you won’t want to miss. NYC welcomes this fun and family-friendly event with multiple opportunities to take advantage of this annual classic. And remember to call EMRG Media when planning your winter events and parties!