How Video Marketing Can Transform Your Business

May 9, 2022 Mario Stewart


In the current state of the world in which we live, there are several user-friendly platforms out there to utilize video marketing within your business. There are many ways to use video marketing, including social media, email campaigns, and video messages. While the idea of putting yourself out there on video may seem daunting, there are several ways to effectively use video marketing that are both cost and time-efficient. The key aspects of video marketing are quality and quantity. Let’s dive into how to use video marketing strategies to boost your business and gain more clients.

How To Create An Effective Video 

First and foremost, you want to be cautious of the length of your videos. Studies have shown that humans have attention spans of around 8 seconds, so grabbing your audience at the beginning of your video is vital. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. You want to project to your audience that you are the solution to their problem. At the same time, you don’t want to be constantly selling. Take the time to make sure that the lighting and esthetics look good, and remember to be upbeat yet relatable. 

Social Media

When it comes to digital marketing, social media is one of the most viable tools out there. Not only is it incredibly effective, but it is also relatively cheap and time-efficient. Platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram allow you to post content with the click of a button. Incorporating creative videos that showcase your brand will maximize your chances of gaining more clients. Studies have shown that Facebook posts with videos attached will get 59% engagement compared to other posts. Set goals and try to work up to posting videos every day to maximize your growth.

Email Campaigns

Most individuals have constant emails coming in all day. Utilizing videos within your email marketing campaigns will help you stand out among the pack. By providing your email recipients with video content, you can give them a clear representation of who you are and uniquely what you can accomplish. Platforms like OneMob allow you to create videos and send them directly via your email campaign. Keep track of your click-through rates with analytics so you can learn what your strongest pieces of content are. 

Video Messages

Sending personalized video messages to potential or current clients is a great way to build a business relationship. Although it may seem awkward at first, sending a simple video message to check in or showcase new offers is far more effective than sending a basic text. Stay frequent with your process and set weekly goals of how many videos you wish to send. If you are aware of a client’s birthday or important life event, sending a video message congratulating them is the perfect way to nurture the relationship. 

Identify the Problem

When it comes to sales, the goal is to convince your potential client that you are the best solution to their problem. There are always going to be competing services or products out there, so it is vital that you think outside of the box and get creative with your content. The videos do not have to be focused on selling the entire time. Showcase that you are educated on your products and markets and offer clear information to your audience. For example, if you are a New York event planner trying to gain more clients, you can create a video showcasing the top 3 mistakes business owners make that cost them millions. Always incorporate calls to action, so your recipients know how to take the next step. 

Need more marketing services? Contact EMRG Media’s marketing team to make your next campaign the best it can be. Don’t forget to get your tickets or become an exhibitor at the Event Planner Expo 2022 10th Anniversary. 

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