7 Tips On Building A Successful YouTube Page

June 30, 2022 Mario Stewart

Many people may not know that YouTube is the second most used search engine behind Google. The platform has become a leading force in sharing content and it has launched several successful brands. Creating a successful YouTube channel can get your business and brand in front of millions, which will, in turn, increase sales and get you more clients. With that said, creating a YouTube strategy requires knowing the do’s and don’ts of the platform. There are several effective strategies you can utilize to make your YouTube channel the best it can be. 

Speak To Your Audience

First and foremost, you need to know who you are trying to reach with your YouTube channel. Your channel should provide value to a specific group who will consistently watch your content. While you might want to get your content to as many people as possible, it is more important to speak to your specific audience. Another good rule of thumb is to have your talent speaking to a single person in the videos. For example, instead of saying “hey everyone”, you can say “hey action taker” or “hey superstar”. 

Utilize Keyword Research 

Keyword research is, without a doubt, one of the most important parts of creating content on YouTube. A good program to do keyword research is ad.google.com. Essentially, you are researching keywords that you will use in your title, description, tags, and content. Ad.google.com will show you the volume of searches for any words or phrases that you type in. You then build your YouTube video based on these keywords. If you are just starting out, then try to focus on ultra-specific keywords or phrases so you can own that market. 

Create The Right Content 

Content is everything when it comes to YouTube. Your content needs to provide value to your audience to keep them coming back. At the same time, it needs to be entertaining. That is why you create a “portal”. A portal means that you take something that is interesting and fun and relate it to your content. 

Post Consistently 

When it comes to posting on YouTube, you need to make sure that you are posting consistently on a regular basis. Create a schedule and stick with it on a weekly basis. Posting five days a week is a great schedule, but it is also important to fluctuate the posting a little bit so it does not seem bot-like. 

Focus On Your Title 

YouTube video titles are crucial when it comes to audiences seeing your content. Keyword research is the best way to find a strong title. Another way is to research titles from influencers who make similar content. With that said, never copy a title exactly for that will hurt your reputation on YouTube. Test your titles through analytics and always and continue with the titles that gain the most traffic. Titles should also create curiosity, so making a title a question is always a good idea. 

Focus On Your Thumbnails

Thumbnails consist of the images and text that people will see when scrolling through YouTube. As far as the image goes, it should be colorful and eye-catching. Another good idea is to have the influencer’s face clearly shown. The text in a thumbnail should generate curiosity and make the viewer want to see more. It is good to know that thumbnails are the only thing that can be changed after a video is posted to keep a good reputation with YouTube. 

Include Call To Actions 

Call to actions are links that direct traffic to your other websites. This is how sales are main and leads are gained. Always include your call to actions in your descriptions. Feel free to leave more than one. You can also paste in call to actions to other YouTube videos. In your video, make sure to reference the call to actions in the description. 

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